Make money selling planners on Etsy
If you’re looking to make passive income online, selling planners on Etsy may be an idea worth exploring. With some time and patience, you could start making money through your Etsy shop and planners in no time!
There are many different types of planners that can be sold on Etsy, like digital planners, planner printables, physical planners and even planner bundles that include fun stickers. And if you create niche-specific planners, they can fit the customer’s needs perfectly.
The price for selling your product varies depending on what type of planner you sell, but generally ranges from $5-$30 USD per order depending on the quality, style and type of the product. And the cool thing is that you can set up your own prices which will determine how much you will make selling your digital planners on Etsy.
After selling a few of these planners, you gain the potential to build trust with your customers who will come back to you to purchase their own planners from you over and over again! It’s even possible to have people order planners to then print themselves to give away as gifts.
Okay, now that you know what is possible let’s now go ahead and go through the different planners that are available so you can decide which planner style suits you and how you can get started on creating them to start selling on Etsy.
What is the difference between printable, physical and digital planners?
What is a planner printable?
A planner printable is a digital PDF that you can print yourself to fill in the pages with whatever information you need. You can either decide to print out the pages yourself, or you can have them printed at a local print shop.
The best thing about selling digital planners is that there are no shipping fees involved since all of the files will be sent directly to your customers via email after payment is received! People who purchase planner PDFs often like them because they would rather invest their money in putting together their own planner instead of buying an already assembled version from someone else.
What is a physical planner?
Probably the most well know planners out there, a physical planner is a type of calendar that is made from paper. They come in all shapes and sizes, from straightforward tear-out sheets on a pad to full ring-binder folders. They can be as simple as a blank piece of paper with a date at the top or as complicated as a perpetual calendar where every day of the year has been planned out.
Physical planners are perfect for those who like to sketch out their plans, make lists and would rather not type whatever they need on their phone or use a digital planner on their iPad or tablet.
What is a digital planner?
A digital planner is a digital download file, generally in a PDF format, similar to a printable planner, however instead of being printed, the PDF planner is designed to be used on an iPad or tablet.
Digital planners usually consist of a multipage document that includes hyperlinks so that different pages of the planner can be accessed easily and efficiently.
A digital planner essentially works just like a physical planner, but digitally on a tablet or iPad, rather than on paper.
Selling digital planners on Etsy is a great way to make money selling products online. You can find all types of digital planners on Etsy, including blank ones, ones with quotes, wedding planners and more.
What are digital stickers?
Digital stickers are a type of digital file (usually a PNG or JPEG) that can be placed on top of or next to other graphics in order to emphasize, comment on or illustrate messages.
When selling digital planners, you can offer digital sticker packs to download that your customers can use to decorate their planner pages with cute graphics and messages.
Some digital stickers that you could create include post-it notes, washi tape, fun quotes and illustrations.
Selling digital stickers on Etsy may be a great way of monetizing your digital planner designs. This extra money-making opportunity is ideal for those who enjoy creating these types of elements in their work when designing their planners and then go ahead and bundle them up with your digital planners. For example, if you sell floral themed planner files online then you could create an entire pack filled with floral patterns and decorative elements for people to download.
Pretty cool!
What style of planners can you create?
One of the best ways to make money selling digital planners is to come up with your own style. You can create planners that are of any colour, theme, size, or design style. You could create whimsical style planners, professional planners or minimal planners. The sky is the limit.
The key to seeing great success when selling any type of planner on Etsy is to make sure that you have a certain customer or niche in mind. When a customer is searching on Etsy to find the right planner to suit their needs, they are usually searching for something specific. For example, a new bride-to-be might be looking for a wedding planner to organise their upcoming wedding. Or a teacher would most likely be looking for a teacher-specific planner for their school year.
If you take the time out to think about what your customer needs first before designing your planner, you will be able to create a product that they want. A happy customer is a returning customer.
Tools you need to start creating and selling planners on Etsy
Okay, ready to start creating? Here is a list of my recommended tools, programs and software you’ll want to consider before creating and selling your planners.
Etsy Seller Account.
It goes without saying, but in order to make money selling planners on Etsy, you will need an Etsy seller account. Etsy is the most popular selling platform online for selling digital planner files, so your products will be shared on Etsy’s marketplace automatically.
Etsy makes selling planners on the Internet easy and stress-free. The selling platform provides sellers with powerful selling tools to help them sell their products in a simple way while helping customers find what they’re looking for. There are some great selling features that come with selling via Etsy that removes some of the pain points about selling on other platforms like eBay, Amazon or even your own website.
You can sign up for a new Etsy Seller account and receive 40 free listings by clicking here!
Graphic Design Software.
To create any type of planner, whether that be physical, digital or planner printables you will need graphic design software. This is the software that you will use to create your planner designs. There are a number of free and paid graphic design software options available, but the key is deciding on what type of planner you would like to create first and then choosing the right software to suit.
For planner printables, I recommend Canva, which is free to use, however, if you’re ready to upgrade I highly recommend going for Canva Pro.
You can sign up for a free 30-day trial of Canva Pro by clicking here!
For physical planners, you could use software such as Adobe InDesign or even Canva Pro.
For digital planners, I would look at checking out Adobe InDesign, Affinity Publisher, Apple Keynote or iCloud Keynote.
Planner Kit Templates
If you want to fast track your planner creation, then you’ll definitely want to sign up for or purchase a set of planner templates or programs.
Listed below are my recommendation for programs and templates that can help you skyrocket your planner creation process, so you can get selling yours asap!
For Digital Planners:
For Planner Printables:
For Physical Planners:
For Planner Stickers:
Cutting Machine
Paper cutter or printer with blade (depending on what type of paper you will be using). You’ll probably want to have some paper stored away that can be printed on, along with all the necessary binding equipment too.
Ready to Start Selling Planners on Etsy?
If selling digital planners is something that interests you, then selling them on Etsy could be a profitable business opportunity for you! With some time and patience, anyone can start selling these products online and earning passive income this way!
I hope this blog post helped you understand the difference between physical, digital and printable planners and also gave tips on how to create your own style of planner! If selling these products is something that interests you, then selling them on Etsy could be profitable for you! With some time and patience, anyone can make money selling planners on Etsy!